Invisalign Aligner Care Guide

Invisalign Aligner Care Guide

Invisalign has been a game changer for millions of adults and teens who wanted to straighten their teeth discreetly. Unlike metal braces, clear aligners are minimally invasive, removable, and won’t trap food particles and plaque between your teeth. While more...
Invisalign vs Braces Compared

Invisalign vs Braces Compared

Although efforts to straighten teeth date back to Ancient Greece and Rome, major advances in orthodontics didn’t occur until the 19th century, which is when it was recognized as a separate dental specialty. Many advances have occurred since, including the advent of...
How to Maintain Your Veneers (Best Practice Guide)

How to Maintain Your Veneers (Best Practice Guide)

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment that can effectively conceal discolored, chipped, short, or gapped teeth in your smile zone for improved aesthetics. But it’s important to keep in mind veneers require attention to provide long-lasting smile...
How to Determine if Veneers Are Right for You

How to Determine if Veneers Are Right for You

If you’ve been dreaming about getting pretty pearly whites, dental veneers may be the ideal solution.  Porcelain veneers have become a popular cosmetic procedure because they offer outstanding aesthetic outcomes and long-term predictability for teeth in the smile...
Veneers vs Crowns: Which is Best?

Veneers vs Crowns: Which is Best?

Did you know that the radiant white smiles your favorite celebrities show off on the red carpet are most often achieved with porcelain veneers?  The good news is that achieving a picture-perfect smile is possible for you, too, regardless of what your teeth look like...